Publication Date
Fall 1961
Document Type
First Peace Corps Selectee- Robin Limpus
Five Women Close Careers
Books for Cooks- Since 17 41
Puncturing Some Fallacies About Punctuation
June Commencement- 1961
Alumni Club News
Books with Alan Brown
The Inaugural
The Faculty- Frederick J . Rogers
The Students- Fredric Zook
The Alumni- Virgil Westdale
The State- The Hon. John B. Swainson
Installation- Stephen S. Nisbet
The Individual- President James W. Miller
Best Wishes- Paul V. Sangren
The University and World Affairs- ]. L. Morrill
24 Lettermen Lead Gridders
'Nine' Ranks Fifth Nationally
Trackmen Take Fourth MAC Crown
Eighth MAC Title for Netters
In Memoriam
Class· Notes
WMU ScholarWorks Citation
Western Michigan University, "The News Magazine of Western Michigan University Vol. 19 No. 4" (1961). Western Michigan University News Magazine (1957-1962). 6.