Publication Date

Fall 1961

Document Type



First Peace Corps Selectee- Robin Limpus

Five Women Close Careers

Books for Cooks- Since 17 41

Puncturing Some Fallacies About Punctuation

June Commencement- 1961

Alumni Club News

Books with Alan Brown

The Inaugural

The Faculty- Frederick J . Rogers

The Students- Fredric Zook

The Alumni- Virgil Westdale

The State- The Hon. John B. Swainson

Installation- Stephen S. Nisbet

The Individual- President James W. Miller

Best Wishes- Paul V. Sangren

The University and World Affairs- ]. L. Morrill

24 Lettermen Lead Gridders

'Nine' Ranks Fifth Nationally

Trackmen Take Fourth MAC Crown

Eighth MAC Title for Netters

In Memoriam

Class· Notes
