Document Type
Presentation Date
Spring 2018
With an increasing demand for qualified skilled workers in the area of technical services, Ethiopia now holds several colleges which provide education to technical and vocational education attendants joining after the completion of general secondary education. Yet, conditions related with entry capacity in the fields they are required to attend, depth of training, viability of placement and means of creating job opportunity after graduating from colleges could be traced as major bottleneck conditions encountering such a provision. So, it became very essential to investigate which factors affect the responsiveness of TVET to youth job creation in Oromia Regional State, with specific reference to Arsi Zone. Descriptive survey design was used in the research. Data were collected from randomly selected 120 TVET trainees in three model TVET colleges in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. Three purposively selected instructors (n=15) and five deans were also data providers. Open-ended questionnaire and semistructured interview were used to collect data. The findings indicated that, there were no entry assessments held to verify the fitness of candidates for the lesson process. Moreover, formative conditions did not strongly relate with exit assessments. Competency-based assessments were also held with the motto of pass-fail decision-making rather than filling gaps in skill. Even for those passing the competency examination, there were no pre-identified employment opportunities since colleges strongly depended on educating the youth without looking for available job options. Overall, lack of entry assessment, shortage in formative enrichment of practices, lack of alignment between entry-formative-exit -outcome assessment (CoC), and lack of focus on pre-identification of employment opportunities were factors identified to be major bottlenecks to success in youth employment after graduation.
WMU ScholarWorks Citation
Fufa, Endalew, "Factors Affecting TVET Responsiveness to Youth Employability: Reflection on Practices of Competency-Based Provisions in Arsi Zone of Oromia Regional State" (2018). International Conference on African Development Archives. 137.