Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Angela Sprank

Second Advisor

Julie Bylsma

Third Advisor

Holly Grieves


This 14-week capstone project focused on program development and education to establish occupational therapy-based resources into the Region 4 OS Reentry program through Michigan Department of correction (MDOC). The project was based out of Kent County Parole Office with the target population focusing on people who are actively on parole. Region 4 OS Reentry provides those on parole with many resources including bus cards, transitional housing, food vouchers, clothing/self-care assistance, trauma counseling and more. The purpose of this project was to utilize an occupational therapy lens to create resources revolving around ADL/IADLs, mental health, connecting the program with other community resources, and to create educational resources for participants that will provide them the tools to be able to utilize the resources that are currently provided for them. With the creation of these tools, the goal to promote increased participation and engagement in the community for improved quality of life during the reintegration transition. Results of impact for these resources are limited due to this population and would require a longer timeframe for further research.
