Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Nicole Yeomans

Second Advisor

Holly Grieves


Pre-vocational programs in high school serve as a crucial platform for supporting students in the transition from education to the workplace. These programs provide classroom instruction, hands-on training, and practical experiences to maximize students’ vocational skills post-high school. Pre-vocational programs provide a crucial platform for the development of IADL skills, task analysis, and the promotion of occupational engagement among diverse populations. The purpose of this DCE was program development within the pre-vocational program and provide additional education for the support staff at the high school setting. The goal was to improve vocational skills, including problem solving, self-advocacy, sequencing, and sustained attention during on-campus and community vocational activities. This was completed using objectives including, understanding the student’s perspective of their work performance, analyzing their work tasks, creating environmental modifications, providing direct support to improve task completion and efficiency, leading group lessons and activities to support classroom learning, and assisting with instrumental activities of daily living such as money management. These objectives were created to enhance the skill set of these students and ultimately their independence while utilizing occupational therapy services.
