Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Andre Fraticelli

Second Advisor

Nathan Bossick

Third Advisor

Holly Grieves


The goal of my capstone project was to use occupational therapy knowledge and processes to integrate life skills training into a pre-existing program of services at a not-for-profit organization that helps youth overcome being houseless on Oahu, Hawaii. Occupational therapy as a profession helps individuals to engage in everyday meaningful activities as independently as possible. The scope of occupational therapy includes education and practice of life skills. Life skills are practical abilities and behaviors that allow individuals to effectively meet the demands and challenges of everyday life. Examples of these are knowledge of food and nutrition, meal preparation, home cleanliness and safety, personal hygiene, communication, housing and money management. The development of these skills are typically learned throughout one’s life from various people including parents, family members, friends, teachers, etc. In regards to the houseless youth population, many of these life skills had not been learned due to unstable housing and/or a lack of meaningful relationships. Implementation of a life skills program was an unmet need observed at the site. My objectives surrounded my ability to use the occupational therapy process and assess a youth’s current strengths and weaknesses through the administration of the Casey Life Skills assessment and create individual and group sessions catered to the results of the assessment and the youth’s needs.
