Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Coleen Davis

Second Advisor

Holly Grieves


The primary objective of this Capstone project was centered around developing grant writing skills and the ways it aids both nonprofits and small businesses to promote increased opportunities within the community. One facet of this project focused on researching and writing grants for the nonprofit, Renew Mobility to increase their operation budget, as well as creating a central database of their funding sources. This database fills the need for better organization of deadlines, interactions, and documents that can reduce the number of missed grant opportunities and increase overall funding. The second objective of this capstone was writing a grant for, and developing a beta-stage website that connects the community with students through “crowd funded” scholarship opportunities and community engagement. This website will allow users to create a verified profile with a range of information. This site will allow students to interact with local businesses and individuals that can fund education through small donations while also offering jobs, internships, and volunteering opportunities. This site aims to fill multiple gaps regarding current scholarship procedures, and therefore combat the growing disparity between the cost of education, and the financial support for students entering the Occupational Therapy field as well as all other education programs.

Available for download on Wednesday, May 28, 2025
