Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Jessica Fultz

Second Advisor

Keiko Johnson

Third Advisor

Holly Grieves


This 14-week doctoral capstone experience (DCE) was completed at Warren Special Recreation Association (WSRA) and Rising Stars Adaptive Skating program, with the focus of program development, education, and leadership. The primary goal of this capstone was to develop an adaptive ice-skating program at WSRA in collaboration with the Rising Stars Adaptive skating program. Further objectives during the capstone experience included the development and provision of training resources for both sites related to the skating program, as well as supplemental trainings for WSRA specific programs. I provided education and training resources to staff and volunteers to promote the distinct value of occupational therapy in a non- traditional setting. During the capstone experience, Rising Stars held a 6-week session with 13 skaters enrolled. The adaptive skating program was developed and ran for 5-weeks with 3 participants enrolled in the program.
