ScholarWorks > Arts & Sciences > English > COMPDR > Vol. 16 (2020) > Iss. 1
Volume 16, Issue 1 (2020) Spring
Comedia and Trauerspiel: On Benjamin and Calderón
Anthony J. Cascardi
Play Strindberg and the Theater of Adaptation
Enoch Brater
Isidore and the Theater
Joseph R. Jones
Lope de Vega's and Webster's Amalfi Plays
John Loftis
Book Reviews
The Theatrical Compositions of the Major English Romantic Poets, by Joan Mandell Baum
John W. Ehrstine
Tennessee Williams, by Felicia Hardison Londré
Ina Rae Hark
Early English Stages, 1300 to 1660. Vol. III: Plays and Their Makers to 1576, by Glynne Wickham
Clifford Davidson
Shakespeare, Jonson, Molière: The Comic Contract, by Nicholas Grene
Oscar G. Brockett