ScholarWorks > Arts & Sciences > English > COMPDR > Vol. 24 (1990) > Iss. 3
Volume 24, Issue 3 (1990) Fall
'Hay for the Daughters!' Gender and Patriarchy in The Miseries of Civil War and Henry VI
Joyce Green MacDonald
Comedy and Control: Shakespeare and the Plautine Poeta
Douglas Bruster
Records of Early French Drama in Parisian Notary Registers
Stephen K. Wright
Richard II and Some Forms of Theatrical Time
Edgar Schell
Book Reviews
Shakespeare und die Macht der Mimesis: Autorität und Repräsentation im elisabethanischen Theater, by Robert Weimann
Hans-Jürgen Diller
Tragic Method and Tragic Theology: Evil in Contemporary Drama and Religious Thought, by Larry D. Bouchard
Michael Hinden
Vsevolod Meyerhold, by Robert Leach
James Fisher
Sources of Four Plays Ascribed to Shakespeare, edited by G. Harold Metz
Harriet C. Frazier