ScholarWorks > Arts & Sciences > English > COMPDR > Vol. 32 (1998) > Iss. 3
Volume 32, Issue 3 (1998) Fall
Book Reviews
Rewriting Melodrama: The Hidden Paradigm in Modern Spanish Theater, by Wadda C. Ríos-Font
Elena Garcia-Martin
"Antike Roman": Power Symbology and the Roman Play in Early Modern England, 1585-1635, by Clifford Ronan
Margaret J. Arnold
Puppets of Nostalgia: The Life, Death, and Rebirth of the Japanese Awaji Ningyo Tradition, by Jane Marie Law
Kunikazu Iwane
Sophocles' Tragic World: Divinity, Nature, Society, by Charles Segal
E. Christian Kopff
John Bale, by Peter Happé
Erick Kelemen