ScholarWorks > Arts & Sciences > English > COMPDR > Vol. 40 (2006) > Iss. 1
Volume 40, Issue 1 (2006) Spring
The Common Good and the Necessity of War: Emergent Republican Ideals in Shakespeare's Henry V and Coriolanus
Rita Banerjee
Staging Act 5 of Schiller's Wilhelm Tell
Timothy Richard Wutrich
Theatrical Wonder, Amazement, and the Construction of Spiritual Agency in Paradise Lost
Elizabeth Bradburn
Marriage in Late-Medieval German Easter and Shrovetide Plays
Albrecht Classen
Book Reviews
Black Theatre: Ritual Performance in the African Diaspora, edited by Paul Carter Harrison, Victor Leo Walker II, and Gus Edwards
Jeffrey Allen Tucker
Separate Theaters: Bethlem ("Bedlam") Hospital and the Shakespearean Stage, by Ken Jackson
Kara Molway Russell
Rupture, Representation, and the Refashioning of Identity in Drama from the North of Ireland, 1969-1994, by Bernard McKenna
Marilynn Richtarik
Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare's Othello, edited by Peter Erickson and Maurice Hunt
Robert C. Evans
Brief Notices