ScholarWorks > Arts & Sciences > English > COMPDR > Vol. 48 (2014) > Iss. 3
Volume 48, Issue 3 (2014) Fall
Madonna, Whore: Mary’s Sexuality in the N-Town Plays
Emma Maggie Solberg
Antonio’s (Happy) Ending: Queer Closure in All-Male Twelfth Night
Chad Allen Thomas
Tyrants, Tudors, and the Digby Mary Magdalen
Heather S. Mitchell-Buck
The Country Wife, Dance of the Cuckolds
David Gelineau
Book Reviews
Five Words: Critical Semantics in the Age of Shakespeare and Cervantes, by Roland Greene
Gabriela Carrión
Performing Masculinity in English University Drama, 1598–1636. Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama, by Christopher Marlow
Jeanne H. McCarthy
Tom Stoppard: Bucking the Postmodern, by Daniel Keith Jernigan
William W. Demastes