ScholarWorks > Arts & Sciences > English > COMPDR > Vol. 51 (2017) > Iss. 4
Volume 51, Issue 4 (2017) The Tyrant's Fear: Part I
Introduction:The Tyrant's Fear
Silvia Bigliazzi
Xenophon and Plato in Elizabethan Culture:The Tyrant's Fear Before Macbeth
Francesco Dall'Olio
Origin Stories of Fear and Tyranny:Blood and Dismemberment in Macbeth (with a Glance at the Oresteia)
Susanne L. Wofford
When the King Suffers What the Tyrant Fears:The Disruption of Political Order in Euripides's Electra and Orestes
Marco Duranti
Orestes and the Light of Day
Robert S. Miola