Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Teaching, Learning, and Leadership


In spite of the logical link between new teacher support and retention, the attrition rate for beginning teachers continues to be greater than their more experienced colleagues. To this end, this study examined the relationship between new teacher career commitment and retention strategies across gender, race/ethnicity, and instructional level. Comprehensive national data, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) 1999-2000, were analyzed primarily utilizing chi-square and logistical regression tests. Key findings were found for new teachers with 3 years or less classroom experience. First, more beginners are "very committed" (62.3%) than "not so or not committed" (37.7%) to their chosen teaching career. Second, new teachers participate in a variety of formal and informal support practices and activities: induction programs, mentoring, seminars for beginners, common planning time, scheduled collaboration, networking, supportive administrative communication, extra help, and observational visits. Weak and strong participation varied according to the activity and across gender, race/ethnicity, and instructional level. Finally, there is a relationship between career commitment and participation in four retention strategies: common planning time, scheduled collaboration, supportive administrative communication, and extra help.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
