Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy




This study focuses on why and how English language arts methods instructors can integrate WebQuest development into their courses. Behavioral, cognitive, and constructive learning theory are established as a theoretical basis for introducing the WebQuest into the English language arts methods curriculum. Practicing teachers are surveyed about their WebQuest-use to identify positive and negative outcomes of the activity. National and international standards the WebQuest fulfills are identified. This study focuses on how to integrate technology in general into the methods course and then documents the development of the researcher's WebQuest and that of three different secondary English language arts methods classes over three academic semesters. Surveys, course electronic-conference transcripts, questionnaires, and preservice teacher-created WebQuests are the primary sources of evidence.It is determined that preservice English language arts teachers can integrate pedagogical skills and content knowledge into an effective Web-based lesson by creating a WebQuest when given technology support. The WebQuest allows teachers to utilize student-centered learning, cooperative learning, critical thinking activities, and authentic assessment while also tapping into the vast resources on the World Wide Web. The study also documents how three preservice teachers were able to use WebQuests in their intern teaching.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
