Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Paul Ciccantell

Second Advisor

Dr. Ronald Kramer

Third Advisor

Dr. Charles Crawford

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Sarah Hill


Electronic waste, e-waste, environmental crime, environmental justice, world-systems theory, green criminology


This study examines the transfer of electronic waste (e-waste) from core to peripheral nations, specifically coastal nations in Africa. The theoretical perspective marries green criminology with world systems theory in examining the ways in which marginalized populations bear the burden of hazardous waste disposal across the globe. The study is comparative, looking at legislation in the United States as well as international legislation and enforcement, and also employs case study methodology, contrasting e-waste disposal in Nigeria and Ghana. The final intent of this research is to determine whether or not the violation of national and/or international legislation regarding the transfer and disposal of e-waste constitutes a social harm.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
