Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy




The current project was designed to explore potential strategies for reducing the risk of accidents and incidents with beginning flight students (V = 28) by: (a) evaluating the CogScreen™ Aeromedical Edition (CogScreen-AE) test as a predictor of performance, (b) investigating patterns in student performance using expanded data collection procedures, including more extensive measurement of landings, and (c) evaluating the effects of early supplemental training on a personal computer-based aviation training device (PCATD). The experimental manipulation employed a matched pairs research design and exposed a treatment group (rt = 14) to six trials of “skill pattern” practice on a PCATD, with each trial lasting approximately 25 minutes. The treatment group performed better than the control group on average on every dependent measure, however, these differences were not statistically significant. A criterion measure of student progress was regressed on five CogScreen-AE factors delineated by Taylor, O’Hara, Mumenthaler, and Yesavage (2000). Stepwise multiple regression analysis resulted in a single predictor model based on the factor Speed and Working Memory (N = 23; R = .62, adjusted R2 = .35, p = .00). The most frequent landing errors occurred for flare and follow-through after touchdown, and errors decreased as flight lessons increased (r = -.34, p = .00). The results are discussed in terms of potential learning and safety benefits for beginning flight students.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
