Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. R. Wayne Fuqua

Second Advisor

Dr. Lester W . Wright Jr.

Third Advisor

Dr. Kristal Ehrhardt

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Ruth Ervin


The effects of a positive peer reporting procedure on social status and social interactions were assessed. Children who are socially rejected seem to be disliked by their peers due to their high frequency of negative behaviors and low frequency of positive behaviors. Therefore, to decrease the negative behaviors and increase the positive behaviors, rejected children were asked to make positive comments about their peers. Participants included 4 children, ages 10-15 years. A multiple baseline across subjects design was utilized. Collection of baseline data began immediately following the confirmation of consent and eligibility for the child to participate. Initial baseline data included sociometric measures, Assessment of Interpersonal Relations- Peer Scale (AIR-PS), Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and behavior observations. The sociometric measures were administered at baseline, postintervention, and follow-up. The AIR-PS and the CBCL were administered at the baseline and postintervention phases. The behavioral observations occurred at baseline phase and throughout the study. From the positive peer reporting procedure, several outcomes were expected: (a) an increase in social status and social skills, (b) an increase in positive interactions and a decrease in negative interaction, and (c) a decrease in negative behavior and an increase in positive behavior. However, there were no changes in any of these measures across phases for all subjects.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
