Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Patrick M. Jenlink

Second Advisor

Dr. David Blomquist

Third Advisor

Dr. Patricia First


The purpose of the study was to determine, among Michigan certified school board members, the perceived effectiveness of the Certified Boardmember Award (CBA) program.

Four specific research questions were investigated:

1. What topics do CBA certified school board members believe to be the most important within the CBA program?

2. How do CBA certified school board members rate the quality of the CBA courses?

3. How often do CBA certified school board members use the knowledge gained from CBA courses in making decisions as members of the board of education? 4. How valuable do CBA certified school board members believe the CBA courses are to their effectiveness as members of the board of education?

The study utilized a descriptive research design. An 18-item survey questionnaire was developed from a modified Dillman procedure. The survey instrument was reviewed by a seven person expert review panel and pilot tested. The survey population included in the main study was a stratified random sample of 275 CBA certified school board members. The return rate was 80.3%.

Results Indicated that school finance was ranked first In Importance among the eight CBA courses and school law was rated first In quality. The leadership class was rated as the most useful and, overall. It was also ranked as the most effective. The legislation class was rated as the least effective class of the eight CBA courses.

The conclusions were (a) overall, respondents believed that the CBA program was effectively meeting their school board member training needs; (b) respondents rated the use of the CBA knowledge from all eight courses lower than they rated the Importance of the CBA course topics; and (c) the high return rate (80.3%) Indicated that respondents saw value In the subject of the study and In school board member training.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
