Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Charles C. Warfield

Second Advisor

Dr. James Sanders

Third Advisor

Dr. C. Dennis Simpson


A trend analysis of treatment outcomes was completed for a single group of subjects who participated in a staged occupational therapy rehabilitation program following carpal tunnel surgery. In addition, the enabler skills of range of motion and muscle strength were compared with the outcome skills of motor function and occupational performance. Thirty-one subjects participated. Data were collected before surgery, and three months, six months, and nine months after surgery.

The findings from this study indicated that: (a) differences in range of motion, gross grasp, motor function, and occupational performance occurred in linear trends; and (b) increases in enabler skills were accompanied by increases in motor function and occupational performance. It was concluded that differences in enabler skills, motor function, and occupational performance occurred in linear trends after participation in a staged occupational therapy program following carpal tunnel surgery.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
