Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership


The focus of this study was the differential effectiveness of bilingual education models as determined through the examination of Title VII project evaluations. The evaluation data were subject to a meta-analysis and the results compared to national norms.

The study examined the efficacy of bilingual education in relation to student type, program type and program setting, using data produced by projects from 1983-1986. The study design was based on the gap-reduction design, as modified for Title VII evaluations, with group means used as the unit of analysis. The study sample contained 2,500 monolingual and limited English proficient students from the Midwest. Analyses were conducted using scale scores calculated according to Title VII guidelines, with the final growth percentage expressed as the Relative Growth Index.

Study results indicated that participation in bilingual education programs produced small to moderate, though statistically significant, differences favoring bilingual education. These differences were found for reading, language and mathematics. Additionally, results of this meta-analysis suggest that regardless of program setting, all three models studied have similar positive impact, whereas, program type research revealed the self-contained classroom as the most effective.

Based on the results of this study, there is no reason to assume that bilingual project students aren't doing as well as the national norms. Results consistently showed project participants keeping up with or catching up with non-participants.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
