Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Charles C. Warfield

Second Advisor

Dr. Uldis Smidchens

Third Advisor

Dr. Lewis Walker


The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' opinions of affirmative action and faculty seniority in a court ordered desegregated public school system.

The population investigated consisted of 725 public school teachers. Sixty-eight and three-tenths percent (68.3%) returned surveys. Significant differences of opinion were found to exist between: (a) white and black teachers as a group, (b) white male elementary teachers and black male elementary teachers, (c) white male secondary teachers and black male secondary teachers, (d) black female elementary teachers and white female elementary teachers, (e) black female secondary teachers and white female secondary teachers, (f) black female elementary and secondary teachers and white female elementary and secondary teachers, (g) black male elementary and secondary teachers and white male elementary and secondary teachers, (h) black elementary and secondary females and white elementary and secondary males, (i) black elementary and secondary males and white elementary and secondary females, (j) white female teachers and white male teachers, and (k) white and black teachers as a group regarding their employment in a desegregated public school system.

No significant differences of opinion were found between (a) black female teachers and black male teachers, (b) black teachers with 1-15 years of teaching and black teachers with 16 or more years of teaching, (c) white teachers with 1-15 years of teaching and white teachers with 16 or more years of teaching, and (d) teachers with 1-15 years of teaching and teachers with 16 or more years of teaching.

Recommendations for future study were reported.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
