Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Charles C. Warfield

Second Advisor

Dr. LeRoi Ray

Third Advisor

Dr. David Cowden


In this study an analysis was conducted of the ways in which selected cognitive and demographic factors predicted whether black students were academically successful at a predominantly white (a) two year private business college, (b) two year public community college, and (c) public undergraduate/graduate university. The academic achievement of 266 black students enrolled between the fall terms of 1983-84 and 1984-85 were analyzed using analysis of variance techniques. The dependent variable was cumulative college GPA and the independent variables were (a) high school GPA, (b) college assessment tests, (c) sex, (d) type of curriculum enrolled in, (e) remedial course(s) taken, (f) residential experience, (g) location of high school attended, and (h) type of college attended. Results indicated that the most significant predictor of academic success for black students was high school GPA (.0001), followed by type of curriculum in which enrolled (.0065) and sex (.0254).

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
