Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Uldis Smidchens

Second Advisor

Dr. Carol Sheffer

Third Advisor

Dr. Zigmund Kryszak


This descriptive study investigated financial supervisory population within one division of a multi-national, Fortune 500 manufacturing corporation. Specifically, the study tested for the existence of a relationship between the level of six career developmental tasks on the predicted continuum of career development and the level of performance.

The Career Adjustment and Development Inventory (CAREER ADI) with a demographic cover sheet including performance data was used to collect data from the target population of ninety-two financial supervisors. The data reported the general characteristics: (a) survey response and performance rating, (b) age of the supervisor, (c) years with the corporation, (d) years as a supervisor, (e) number of people supervised, and (f) supervision of supervisors. The CAREER ADI measured the six career developmental tasks: (1) organizational adaptability, (2) position performance, (3) work habits and attitudes, (4) co-worker relationships, (5) advancement, and (6) career choice and plans. One hypothesis investigated the relationship between the financial supervisors performance ratings and the order of the six career developmental tasks compared to theory. The second hypothesis investigated the financial supervisors measures of each of six career developmental tasks and the order of these tasks as a function of performance rating.

The major conclusion of the study was that the six career developmental tasks were ordered in the theoretically predicted manner along the continuum of career development with one exception. Position performance and work habits and attitudes were reversed for financial supervisors. A reversal of co-worker relationships and advancement was noted only for outstanding supervisors.

This research suggests the financial department is an anomalous population with respect to career development due to the specific statistical/numerical/mechanical skills required for job qualification and performance. A reordered continuum of career development was indicated; the first three career developmental tasks are of the early establishment phase. The middle stage contains only the task of co-worker relationships. The late establishment stage includes the tasks of advancement and career choice and plans.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access

Included in

Counseling Commons
