Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Richard E. Munsterman

Second Advisor

Dr. S. Dykstra

Third Advisor

Dr. O. Middleton


The factor most influential in the decision to undertake this developmental study was a directive received from the Director General of Education, Ministry of Education, Malaysia. The second factor was the perception that the obsolescence of previously learned skills and understandings dictates a need for a systematic, comprehensive, and task-oriented inservice professional development of educational administrators within the contemporary system.

The purposes of this study were twofold. The first was to develop a model and the second was to propose a set of task descriptions appropriate and necessary for implementing the model.

The model developed has three crucial stages, i.e., Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. Within each stage are four common steps, i.e., Analysis, Development, Operation, and Evaluation. The three stages and the four steps within each stage were derived from an exploration of various schools of thought represented in the literature on inservice projects and models. Since the development of the model was primarily based on the advocacy and validity of the stages and steps as proposed in the literature, the model was judged to be theoretically and philosophically valid, and is expected to be responsive to the purpose for which it was developed.

In order to operationalize the model, 98 task descriptions were proposed as appropriate and necessary. A 12 member panel of experts, all of whom were current professional practitioners, knowledgeable, experienced, and had demonstrated expertise in the field of education, training and development, were used to validate the task descriptions. An interview questionnaire consisting of 98 items which required written responses, and four items which required oral responses, developed by the investigator, was the survey instrument used to gather the data required.

The data analysis consisted, primarily, of percentages and frequency distributions of panel members' responses as to the appropriateness and the necessity of the task descriptions proposed. Results of the validation indicated overwhelming approval of the model as an ideal despite some reservations regarding its practicality in most American settings.

One of the most important recommendations was that an investigation be done at once to determine whether the model, developed from the literature of the United States and validated by an American panel of experts, is deemed valid by Malaysian educators.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
