Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. David O. Lyon

Second Advisor

Dr. Galen Alessi

Third Advisor

Dr. Jospeh Ellin

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Frederick Gault


The purpose of the study was to validate a programmed text which was designed and written by the experimenter. Subjects in Group A, in Phase 1 of the experiment, were seven male and five female volunteers either working or enrolled as students in human service fields. Subjects in Group B, in Phase 2, were six females and four male graduate students enrolled in the Specialty Program in Alcohol and Drug Abuse treatment seminar at Western Michigan University. Group A completed the programmed text exercises in Behavioral Counseling for Alcohol-Related Problems, designed and written by the experimenter. The programmed text was revised based on an error analysis of the responses on the program frame exercises, and was then administered to Group B in Phase 2. Errors decreased from 18.7% to 6.4%. That is, Group A emitted less than 80% correct responses on 18.7% of the program frame exercises. Group B emitted less than 80% correct responses on only 6.4% of the exercises. Both groups were also given pre and post tests. Post-test scores increased significantly for each group. There was no significant difference in overall pre- and post-test scores between groups.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
