Date of Award

Spring 2017

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Bradley J. Bazuin

Second Advisor

Dr. Janos Grantner

Third Advisor

Dr. John Kapenga


Software Defined Radio, GPU, FPGA, Polyphaser channelizer, Community Radio, digital transmitters


Radio communications have evolved through an extended history of theoretical and practical component development into modern devices most often envisioned as the ubiquitous smart phones found in almost everyone’s hand on a university campus. During this development, radios have evolved from analog devices operating at low frequencies into nearly all digital processing systems referred to as Software Defined Radio (SDR) operating in frequency bands over 1 Gigahertz. Although specific forms and types of communication are fiercely pursued by commercial communication companies and industry, there remain numerous concepts where further advancement is possible, and applications, possibly less commercially viable, where advancements and improvements may provide tremendous benefit.

In this study, the availability of advanced programmable digital signal processing components for personal computers and digital system design that can be readily incorporated in SDR have been investigated, incorporated and demonstrated. The components involved in the implementations and simulations include personal computers, Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) based graphics cards, Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Raspberry PI, and open source software. Moreover, the most important factors that have been considered in this dissertation are: flexibility, modularity, scalability, and performance.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
