Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Uldis Smidchens

Second Advisor

Dr. Carol Payne Smith

Third Advisor

Dr. David Cowden


The study assessed the differences in attitudes between faculty men and faculty women toward faculty women in Korean higher education. M ore specifically, this study investigated attitudes surrounding specific issues and operational areas that affect employment and advancement of faculty women in higher education in Korea. The specific issues and the operational areas were: opportunities for employment, opportunities for advancement, teaching effectiveness, research and other scholarly writing, other scholarly contributions, personality characteristics, job mobility, acceptance by associates, and use of full potential.

The population for the study consisted of full-time faculty of 37 universities and colleges in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Out of 6,282 male and 939 female professors, a sample of 698 (397 males and 301 females) was drawn for the present study. A survey instrument developed by Petit, and used in Crim's study, was used as a data gathering instrument. The method used to obtain data was hand delivered questionnaires. There was a 94% return rate.

The study indicated conclusively that a marked contrast exists between attitudes of men and women faculty towards women faculty. The findings of this study revealed differences in attitudes between faculty men and faculty women on 30 of the 32 opinionnaire items of the attitude survey; and therefore, all of the hypotheses except one, regarding job mobility, were accepted. The fact that this study shows such consistent differences between men and women's attitudes toward women suggests that men are retaining their traditional views of women, while women are seeking to break out of their traditional roles and become full-fledged members of the academic community.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Campus Only
