Date of Award
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
First Advisor
Dr. Arnie Johnson
Second Advisor
Dr. Steve Feffer
Third Advisor
Robert Eversz
Fourth Advisor
Dr. Kenneth Urban
Incarcerated: a collection of four plays includes the plays Home Schooling, Good Behavior, 2 Mics, and All Saints' Day. Incarcerated explores Foucault's carceral networking and Althusser's Ideological and Repressive State Apparatuses as exemplified in characters faced with such cataclysmic events as the Holocaust (Home Schooling and All Saints' Day) and the degradation/slavery of the American prison system (Good Behavior and 2 Mics). In this RCG-centered working class playwriting, we see how performativity is in inherent in carceral sociology, where each character in all four plays has to take masks and costumes and roles in order to survive, because incarceration (whether in literal prisons or metaphorical prisons) is all about one word: survival.
Access Setting
Dissertation-Open Access
Recommended Citation
Riekki, Ron, "A Post-Marxist Perspective on Chuck Palahniuk’s Early Novels and the Four Plays of Incarcerated" (2007). Dissertations. 3395.