Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

First Advisor

Dr. Louann Bierlein Palmer

Second Advisor

Dr. Sharon L. Peterson

Third Advisor

Dr. David Gaunt


Higher Education, Mission Statements, Faculty hiring, Faculty evaluation, Fit for Mission and Values, Quality faculty


In 1999 when the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association created the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) path for accreditation, they instituted a new format for the documentation of evidence of meeting accreditation criterion called a Systems Portfolio. This study involved the analysis of the Systems Portfolios from 36 institutions to check for alignment of their mission statements, and stated faculty hiring and evaluation processes. Each Systems Portfolio was analyzed for themes found in previous research on mission statements and documentation of the processes for hiring and evaluation of faculty. Additionally, institutions from three Carnegie Classifications were compared and contrasted. No institution offered documentation of complete alignment, there was however consistency identified in comparing the hiring criteria and processes in many institutions. A majority of the institutions indicated that a quality they looked for in faculty was a fit with the mission and values of the institution.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
