Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

First Advisor

Dr. Patricia L. Reeves


The purpose of this case study research was to examine the perceptions of teachers and parents towards current parental involvement factors in a suburban junior high school located in the Midwest United States. Such perceptions were compiled by means of surveys based on Dr. Joyce Epstein's Framework of the Six Dimensions of Parental Involvement: (a) parenting, (b) communication, (c) volunteering, (d) learning at home, (e) decision-making, (f) and collaborating with the community (Epstein, 1995). The subjects were N=36 seventh and eighth grade teachers, and N=344 parents of students. The descriptive statistical analysis did show a difference between teachers and parents in the dimensions of parenting, communication, and learning at home. To determine if the differences between teachers and parents were statistically significant, independent sample t-tests were conducted. The results indicated a large effect in the areas of parenting, communication, and learning at home. In addition, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to evaluate demographic characteristics of both parents and teachers in relation to their responses to involvement practices. The demographic characteristics evaluated for parents were: (a) grade of student, (b) number of children in school, (c) ethnicity, and (d) household income. The demographic characteristics evaluated for teachers included: (a) grade level taught, (b) gender, (c) discipline, and (d) years of experience. The regression analysis of parental demographics did not show any practical significance in any of the six dimensions when evaluating their perceptions of involvement. The regression analysis of teacher demographics indicated that years of experience was practically significant in how they perceived parental involvement in the areas of parenting, volunteering, and collaborating with the community.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
