Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Amy E. Naugle

Second Advisor

Dr. Scott T. Gaynor

Third Advisor

Dr. Galen J. Alessi

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Jennifer M. Foster


Sexual assault, sexual assault prevention, collegewomen, prevention training programs, evaluation, psvchology


Sexual victimization is a frequent and concerning problem for college women. It is estimated that college women are three times more likely to experience sexual assault than women in the general population. Additionally, women with a history of unwanted sexual experiences are at greater risk for future sexual victimization than women without such histories. For these reasons, the examination of college-based sexual assault prevention programs is important given the high rates of unwanted sexual experiences and subsequent negative mental health consequences. Furthermore, the lack of effective skills-based sexual assault prevention programs on college campuses is an important issue to address. Therefore, the present study examined the effectiveness of a skills-based sexual assault prevention program among college undergraduate women. Consistent with our primary hypothesis, we found that women randomly assigned to the skills-based training program responded more assertively to hypothetical sexual risk vignettes than participants assigned to the psychoeducation control condition.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
