Date of Defense


Date of Graduation




First Advisor

Jennifer Fiore

Second Advisor

Deanna Bush


There is a variety of research published about the use of music therapy interventions and their outcomes for the pediatric hematology-oncology and outpatient groups, however the research is not combined to put together a description of the most effective interventions utilized in one place. This scoping review addressed the questions of what music therapy interventions are used in the pediatric hematology/oncology and outpatient settings, and what the outcomes of music therapy were respectively. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established to determine what articles to include in the review. Three databases including Google Scholar, WMU Library, and PubMed were searched to identify articles related to music therapy in the pediatric hematology/oncology and outpatient settings between 2012 and 2022. Coded material included source, title, research design, research questions, data source, measures, method, and outcomes. Of the 1,278 articles initially identified for the pediatric hematology/oncology setting, 1,271 articles were excluded while seven clinical studies were included. Of the 319 articles initially identified for the pediatric outpatient setting, 316 articles were excluded while three clinical studies were included. Music therapy interventions used within these settings included receptive, recreative, creative, and improvisational interventions. Within the pediatric hematology/oncology setting, the most frequently used interventions were receptive and improvisational and promoted the use of patient-preferred music and patient choice. Within the pediatric outpatient setting, all four interventions were utilized to promote creativity and self-expression. The research suggests that music therapy interventions demonstrate positive outcomes on both physiological factors such as heart rate, blood pressure, pain, and oxygen saturation levels, and psychological factors, including mood and anxiety. Further research is needed to determine the efficacy of music therapy interventions in both the pediatric hematology/oncology and outpatient settings. More research also needs to be conducted on the outcomes of music therapy in pediatric populations such as substance abuse, outpatient surgeries, and mental health care.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access

Presentation.pdf (320 kB)
Defense Presentation

Included in

Music Therapy Commons
