Date of Defense

Spring 3-29-1999



First Advisor

Richard Snyder, Miller Auditorium

Second Advisor

Steve Kettner, Media Services

Third Advisor

Edward Mayo, Marketing


event planning, coordination


The goal of this study is to generate financial and organizational assistance from area students, community members, and businesses in support of the Celebration '99 festival.


1. to develop a video/report documentary of the 1998 Celebration of the Arts festival

2. to evaluate the 1998 festival and make recommendations for Celebration '99.

3. to present a preliminary proposal and budget for Celebration '99.

The 1999 budget figures are estimates based upon the 1998 festival financial figures. Findings included: the 1998 festival raised over $60,000 in cash and in-kind contributions, and, over 150 volunteers, 350 artists, and 5000 participants were involved in the 1998 festival.


1. Move all activities to Miller Plaza

2. Change time of festival from all day to 3 pm-10:30 pm

3. Involve more community bands, children, and groups from Kalamazoo Public Schools

4. Add an evening event geared towards WMU students' interests

5. Keep a zero dollar admission charge, however, reinstate the regular WMU parking fees

6. Develop more working relationships with community organizations and sponsors

7. Eliminate the film and fine art show. Replace them with more performing arts

8. Develop a silent auction to replace lost revenue from fine art show.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Campus Only
