
Melissa Deer

Date of Defense



Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Allen Carey-Webb

Second Advisor

Dr. Larry Syndergard

Third Advisor

Dr. David Hargreave


When environmental education began in the late sixties the goals were set from the viewpoint of a science classroom. It was the awakening of an environmental movement and the first attempt to teach individuals to recognize the values of nature. The program brought students into natural settings to learn about species classification, predator/prey relationships and photosynthesis. Undeniably, it was a beginning that allowed teachers, students and parents alike to recognize a valuable need and interest in learning about the environment. This beginning occurred during a historical time period when the nation was beginning to understand what an ecological crisis was. The placement of environmental studies at all in the schools was the most important step for this scientific program. It was finally recognized as a valid course of study, a testimony for the desire for change and perhaps halting of the ecological crisis.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Campus Only
