
Diane DuBois

Date of Defense



Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Harold Glasser

Second Advisor

Dr. David Hargreave

Third Advisor

Dr. Marcia Fetters


No matter what perspective is taken, there are several current issues that can undermine the goals of EE. First, schools are having a difficult time keeping students actively engaged in their education. If students do not care about their own future, why would they care about anyone else's? Second, teachers are already overwhelmed with covering their many goals and objectives in their own subject areas as well as preparing students for aptitude tests so that their schools can retain their required funding. This leaves little time for taking on the additional responsibility of coordinating with other teachers to develop integrative techniques and working with citizens and businesses to improve communities. Making EE a core requirement in schools may give this subject the proper attention it needs; however, it would then have the potential for being compartmentalized and seen as separate from the other subjects. Third, environmental education can be controversial since many ideas necessary for creating a complete understanding of the environment require values education. Values in areas such as science are thought to compromise a more "objective" approach, which is seen as essential in making logical, scientific decisions.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Campus Only
