Transactions of the International Conference on Health Information Technology Advancement

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Nowadays, cloud computing—as a flexible, collaborative, cost effective and scalable computational approach—is being applied within different public and private organizations. Furthermore, the use of cloud-based applications is becoming more widespread on both the organizational and individual level than it has been in the past. Healthcare is one discipline that could benefit from cloud-based applications; however, because of various privacy and security issues, it has been adopted more slowly than in many other disciplines. The purpose of this preliminary study is to investigate the related literature in order to explore the cloud computing implementation issues in the healthcare industry. Technological, Organizational, Environmental and Human factors are considered as the most important factors in implementing cloud computing in healthcare. The early framework for implementing cloud applications in healthcare is addressed to administrators and healthcare managers at the end of this study; however, the complementary study will be needed in the future to examine our hypotheses and research questions with collected data.
