"Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance." by Oluwayomi A. Ekundayo Mr.


Motivation refers to a complexity of forces that inspires a person at work to intensify his desire and willingness to use his potentialities to perform in order to achieve organizational goals or objectives. This study investigates the relationship between motivation and the level of employee performance as applied to some selected insurance companies in Lagos. The study has three main objectives: to evaluate the effects of motivation on employee performance in some selected insurance companies, to assess motivational factors that can influence employee performance, and to recommend possible policies and innovations for better performance of the employees and increased profitability. Structured Questionnaire was used as the instrument for the research work. This instrument was tested for reliability and validity of its content. The results of the tests were certified by experts. The study used stratified random sampling and simple random sampling techniques in selecting the respondents. A sample of 100 respondents which included management, senior and junior staff members, of the selected insurance company was used for the primary data. Simple percentages, distribution tables and pie chart statistical tools were used to analyse the primary data while Chi-Square (X2) was applied to test the only hypothesis formulated for the study at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that motivation was the major factor that affected employee performance. Furthermore, the study showed a direct strong and positive relationship between motivation of employees and their performance. This study hereby recommends that the management teams in organizations should always carry out a thorough study on the various motivational tools that can appeal and motivate their employees. Such motivational tools can include: involvement of employees in decision making, rotation of employees, provision of fringe benefits, payment of bonuses to workers, and promotion of deserved staff to higher positions of authority.
