ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 34 > Iss. 1 (2007)
Volume 34, Issue 1 (2007) March
Complete Issue
Letter to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
James Midgley, Harris Chaiklin, Wilma Peebles-Wilkins, Jeanne Marsh, Michael Sherraden, Howard Karger, Cheryl A. Hyde, and David Stoesz
Outsiders-Within: Critical Race Theory, Graduate Education and Barriers to Professionalization
CarolAnn Daniel
Social Theory & Its Relation to Social Problems: An Essay about Theory and Research with Social Justice in Mind
Richard K. Caputo
American Identity and Attitudes Toward English Language Policy Initiatives
Carlos Garcia and Loretta E. Bass
Controlling the Levers of Power: How Advocacy Organizations Affect the Regulation Writing Process
Richard Hoefer and Kristin Ferguson
Undermining Progress in Early 20th Century North Carolina: General Attitudes Towards Delinquent African American Girls
Tanya Smith Brice
Sex Panic and the Welfare State
Benjamin Shepard
Book Notes
Good Parents or Good Workers: How Policy Shapes Families' Daily Lives. Jill Duerr Berrick and Bruce Fuller (Eds.).
Mellissa Martin-Mollard
Backlash Against Welfare Mothers Past and Present. Ellen Reese
Allison De Marco
The Experience of Retirement. Robert S. Weiss.
Nancy Giunta
Widening the Circle: The Practice and Evaluation of Family Group Conferencing with Children, Youths, and their Families. Joon Pennell and Gary Anderson (Eds.).
Anne Abramson-Madden
Book Reviews
Review of Culture, Capitalism and Democracy in the New America. Richard Harvey Brown. Reviewed by Shanti S. Khinduka.
Shanti K. Khinduka
Review of The Logic of Social Research. Arthur L. Stinchcombe. Reviewed by Marvin D. Feit.
Marvin D. Feit
Review of Quixote's Ghost: The Right, the Liberati and the Future of Social Policy. David Stoesz. Reviewed by Stephen Pimpare.
Stephen Pimpare
Review of Work and the Workplace: A Resource for Innovative Policy and Practice. Sheila H. Akabas and Paul A. Kurzman. Reviewed by Michalle Mor Barak.
Michalle Mor Barak