ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 35 > Iss. 2 (2008)
Volume 35, Issue 2 (2008) June
Complete Issue
Globalization, Precarious Work, and the Food Bank
Ernie S. Lightman, Andrew Mitchell, and Dean Herd
Family Foster Care for Abandoned Children in Egypt
Hamido A. Megahead
Potential Impact of EITC Adjustments on Financial Self-Sufficiency among Low-Income Families: A Simulation Model
Younghee Lim and Catherine Lemieux
Transforming Caregiving: African American Custodial Grandmothers and the Child Welfare System
S. Yvette Murphy, Andrea G. Hunter, and Deborah J. Johnson
Using Social Construction Theory as a Foundation for Macro-Level Interventions in Communities Impacted by HIV and Addictions
David Allen Patterson and Robert H. Keefe
Risk and Protective Factors of Micronesian Youth in Hawai'i: An Exploratory Study
Scott K. Okamoto, David T. Mayeda, Mari Ushiroda, Davis Rehuher, Tui Lauilefue, and Ophelia Ongalibang
Book Notes
The State after Statism: New State Activities in the Age of Liberalization. Jonah D. Levy, Editor.
James Midgley
Child Soldiers: From Violence to Protection. Michael Wessells.
David K. Androff
Book Reviews
Review of Biomedicalization of Alcohol Studies: Ideological Shifts and Institutional Challenges. Lorraine T. Midanik. Reviewed by E. Michael Gorman.
E. Michael Gorman
Review of California: America's High Stakes Experiment. Peter Schrag. Reviewed by Bart Grossman.
Edward Cohen