ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 37 > Iss. 3 (2010)
Volume 37, Issue 3 (2010) September
Complete Issue
Dereliction of Duty: Training Schools for Delinquent Parents in the 1940s
Sarah K. S. Shannon
Life History and Narrative Analysis: Feminist Methodologies Contextualizing Black Women's Experiences with Severe Mental Illness
Marya R. Sosulski, Nicole T. Buchanan, and Chandra M. Donnell
"Everything has Changed": Narratives of the Vietnamese American community in Post-Katrina Mississippi
Yoosun Park, Joshua Miller, and Bao Chau Van
Social Work and Civic Engagement: The Political Participation of Professional Social Workers
Sunny Harris Rome and Susan Hoechstetter
Volunteer Patterns of Mid- and Later Life American Couples
Deborah B. Smith
Bringing the Organization Back In: The Role of Bureaucratic Churning in Early TANF Caseload Declines in Illinois
Chad Broughton
Editor's Note
Jim Midgley Retires as Book Review Editor
Robert D. Leighninger Jr.
Book Reviews
Review of Rebuild America: Solving the Economic Crisis Through Civic Works. Scott Myers-Lipton. Reviewed by Frank Stricker.
Frank Stricker
Review of More than Just Race: Being Black and Poor in the Inner City. William Julius Wilson. Reviewed by Marguerite G. Rosenthal.
Marguerite G. Rosenthal
Review of Remembering our Childhood: How Memory Betrays Us. Karl Sabbagh. Reviewed by Susan P. Robbins.
Susan P. Robbins
Review of How it Works: Recovering Citizens in Post-Welfare Philadelphia. Robert P. Fairbanks, II. Reviewed by Jennifer R. Zelnick.
Jennifer R. Zelnick
Review of Negotiating Justice: Progressive Lawyering, Low Income Clients, and the Quest for Social Change. Corey S. Shdaimah. Reviewed by Lolita Buckner Inniss.
Lolita Buckner Inniss