ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 38 > Iss. 4 (2011)
Volume 38, Issue 4 (2011) December
Complete Issue
Impact of Social Capital on Employment and Marriage among Low Income Single Mothers
Jennifer A. Johnson, Julie A. Honnold, and Perry Threlfall
Emergency Room Use by Undocumented Mexican Immigrants
Ayse Akincigil, Raymond Sanchez Mayers, and Fontaine H. Fulghum
Health Service Access for Rural People Living with HIV/AIDS in China: A Critical Evaluation
Xiying Wang, Xiulan Zhang, Yuebin Xu, and Yurong Zhang
Food Stamps and Dependency: Disentangling the Short-term and Long-term Economic Effects of Food Stamp Receipt and Low Income for Young Mothers
Thomas P. Vartanian, Linda Houser, and Joseph Harkness
Clinical Social Work and the Biomedical Industrial Complex
Tomi Gomory, Stephen E. Wong, David Cohen, and Jeffrey R. Lacasse
Ill Fares the Land. Tony Judt. Reviewed by Marguerite G. Rosenthal.
Marguerite G. Rosenthal
Editor's Note
A Note from the Editors
Marguerite Rosenthal and Jennifer Zelnick
Book Reviews
Review of Poor Women in Rich Countries: The Feminization of Poverty over the Life Course. Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg (Ed.). Reviewed by Jennifer R. Zelnick.
Jennifer R. Zelnick
Back Matter