ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 41 > Iss. 2 (2014)
Volume 41, Issue 2 (2014) June - Austerity Versus Stimulus: International Challenges for Social Welfare
Complete Issue
Between Retrenchment and Recalibration: The Impact of Austerity on the Irish Social Protection System
Fiona Dukelow and Mairead Considine
Rolling Downhill: Effects of Austerity on Local Government Social Services in the United States
David B. Miller and Terry Hokenstad
Weathering the Storm: Botswana's Culture of Care
Lengwe-Katembula Mwansa and Gloria Jacques
Considering Post-Crisis Stimulus Measures: Welfare Policy and Social Inclusion in Brazil
Lenore E. Matthew
Queensland's Budget Austerity and Its Impact on Social Welfare: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?
Gregory Marston
Editor's Note
Austerity Versus Stimulus: An Introduction to the Special Issue
James Midgley, Howard Karger, and Subas Risal
Book Reviews
Review of Mental Health and Social Policy. Beyond Managed Care (6th ed.). David Mechanic, Donna D. McAlpine, and David A. Rochefort. Reviewed by Christopher G. Hudson
Christopher G. Hudson
Review of Family Policy and the American Safety Net. Janet Zollinger Giele. Reviewed by Mary Ann Kanieski
Mary Ann Kanieski
Review of The New Black: What Has Changed – and What Has Not – with Race in America. Kenneth W. Mack & Charles Guy-Uriel (Eds.). Reviewed by Johnnie Hamilton-Mason.
Johnnie Hamilton-Mason
Review of The Globalization of Supermax Prisons. Jeffrey Ian Ross (Ed.). Reviewed by Ann Marie Rocheleau.
Ann Marie K. Rocheleau
Review of The Idealist: Jeffrey Sachs and the Quest to End Poverty. Nina Munk. Reviewed by Edward U. Murphy
Edward U. Murphy
Review of Ethics. Sarah Banks (Ed.). Reviewed by Jennifer R. Zelnick
Jennifer R. Zelnick

- Robert D. Leighninger, Jr.