Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare | Vol 42 | Iss 1

Volume 42, Issue 1 (2015) March

Editor's Note:

Two articles authored by David Stoesz have appeared in our recent September and December issues: "The Consolidation of the Secondary Financial Services Market" in September (41.3), and "Are Payday Loans Really Evil? Controversy, Regulation, and Innovation in the Secondary Financial Services Market" in December (41.4). These articles focused on various aspects of the secondary financial services market. The author has been employed as a consultant by a representative of the Alternative Financial Services industry in recent years. While the Journal has no reason to believe that this relationship had a substantial influence on the content of the articles, some may consider it to be a conflict of interest. In the interest of full disclosure, Dr. Stoesz asked that these facts be known to readers.

Complete Issue



Relieving Human Suffering: Compassion in Social Policy
Mary E. Collins, Sarah Garlington, and Kate Cooney

Book Reviews


Robert D. Leighninger, Jr.
Managing Editor
r: Gary Mathews
Associate Editor
Robert Moroney
International Editor
Jason L. Powell
Assistant Editor
Melinda McCormick