ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 47 > Iss. 4 (2020)
Volume 47, Issue 4 (2020)
Complete Issue
Identifying and Assisting Human Trafficking Survivors: A Post-Training Analysis of First Responders
Sarah Erwin, Jessie Peter, Rochelle L. Dalla Dr., Virginia Chaidez, Amy Encinger, and Lee Kreimer
Beyond the Neighborhood: Defining Membership in Diverse Community Contexts
Brad Forenza, Brian Dashew, Diana Cedeño, and David T. Lardier
When Personal Raises Political: Experience of Racial Discrimination and Distrust of Authorities Among Children of Immigrants
Luis Fernandez-Barutell
After-School Childcare Arrangements and Maternal Labor Supply in Low-Income American Households: Comparisons between Race and Ethnicity
Hyejoon Park, Min Zhan Dr., and Shinwoo Choi Dr.
Political Climate, Discrimination, and Mental Health: Understanding Latino Youth Experience During the 2016 Presidential Election
Jaime Booth and Christina Huerta
Using a Contextual Effects Measurement Approach to Understand the Influence of Community on Individual Behavior
Bridget E. Weller, Sinaida Cherubin, Shelby D. Leverett, and Alexandria Taylor
Book Reviews
Review of Digital Punishment: Stigma, and the Harms of Data-Driven Criminal Justice by Sarah Esther Lageson
Nathan Aguilar