ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 9 > Iss. 1 (1982)
Volume 9, Issue 1 (1982) March
Complete Issue
A Composite Model for Interorganizational Strategies
Donald E. Maypole
The Utilization of a Performance Based Curriculum Design in Graduate Social Work Education
Gust William Mitchell
Inside and Outside the For-Profit Nursing Home: Some External Determinants of Inside Power Relations
Cedric Herring
Solving the Effectiveness Dilemma: How Can An Informal Network Create Change?
Robert W. Colman and Mark Barton
Regional Reference Groups in the Spreading of Occupational Licensing Policies among the States: An Exploratory Study
Timothy W. Lause
Rejected Families: Established and Innovative Structures of Service
Joseph R. Steiner
Program in Social Work with Groups: A Jungian Perspective
Herman Borenzweig
Community Representation and Empowerment in Long Term Care Settings: The Case of the Nursing Home Patient Ombudsman
Abraham Monk and Lenard W. Kaye
Meaning in Work: Toward a Clinical Approach to Work Dissatisfaction
Shimshon M. Neikrug
A Qualitative Look at Black Female Social Work Educators
Larry Davis, Ramon Cartwright, Phyllis Freeman, and Louis Carter
In Judgment of Victims: The Social Context of Rape
Joyce E. Williams and Karen A. Holmes
Definitional Dilemmas and the Baccalaureate Generalist
Frank R. Baskind