ScholarWorks > HHS > Social Work > JSSW > Vol. 9 > Iss. 4 (1982)
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1982) December
Complete Issue
The Expanding Array of Human Service Personnel
Edward A. Brawley
Racial Inequities in the Delivery of Social Services
James D. Chesney and Rafael Jacob Engel
Women and Voluntary Blood Donation
Ernie S. Lightman
Deinstitutionalization: A Review of the Literature with Implication for Social Work Training and Practice in Rural Areas
Vicki Lawrence Young, John S. Wodarski, and Jeffrey Giordano
The Practicum Instructor: A Study of Role Expectations
Beverly J. Hartung
Current Training Needs in Public Social Services: Impact on Schools of Social Work
David C. Pritchard
Sexual Harassment of Blue Collar Workers
Donald E. Maypole and Rosemarie Skaine
Distributed Data Processing: A Timely Approach for Social Welfare Agencies
Sumit Sircar, Dick Schoech, and Lawrence L. Schkade
Dissemination of Research Reports and Other Publications to Social Workers
Susan Whitelaw Downs