Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Geological and Environmental Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. William B. Harrison HI

Second Advisor

Dr. David A. Barnes

Third Advisor

Dr. W. Thomas Straw

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


Michigan subsurface correlation is complicated in the Cambrian-Early Ordovician section due to limited availability of rock data. Core and cuttings examination demonstrate that similar stratigraphic sequences exist between the Michigan Basin and surrounding regions. Lithofacies in Wisconsin outcrop are similar to their basinal counterparts, and are correlated on the basis of sediment types, sedimentary structures, and the sequence stratigraphic concept.

The Mount Simon Sandstone in Michigan correlates with that observed in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Isopach data throughout the Midwest indicate a single depocenter in Northeastern Illinois. Sedimentary structures and lithology indicate a subtidal environment that may be a progradational transition from a lower (shoreward) aeolian environment. Observed diagenetic patterns are influenced primarily by depth of burial. The deep pattern (below 14,250’) exhibits extreme compaction. The shallow pattern (above 8900’) exhibits pervasive carbonate and quartz cements, and authigenic clays. Secondary porosity developed from dissolution of carbonate, feldspar, and quartz.

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Geology Commons
