Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. William K. Redmon

Second Advisor

Dr. Dale M. Brethower

Third Advisor

Dr. Howard E. Farris

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


This study used a multiple baseline design to examine the effect of a lottery-based group contingency on unscheduled sick leave (USL) use by residential treatment workers. Sixty direct-care workers participated in this study. Researchers employed a group contingency that required workers to meet 2-week absence criterion levels in order to participate in a subsequent reinforcement lottery. The workers who won the lottery chose one of four rewards including 20 dollars, 4 hours paid time-off, lunch with a supervisor, and four movie tickets. The mean number of USL hours used in each of five work units was reduced significantly during intervention. Reductions in USL ranged from 30% to 80%.

Included in

Psychology Commons
