Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. William Cremin

Second Advisor

Dr. Elizabeth Garland

Third Advisor

Dr. Richard Flanders

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


An analysis of the lith ic tools and a representative sample of debitage from the Zemaitis site is presented. The methodology employed in lith ic analysis is described with the goal of comparab ility with other studies. Based upon this comparison i t is suggested that the major occupation of the site was during the Middle Woodland Period and the site appears to have been occupied year-round. Because the Zemaitis site was undisturbed by modern agricultural techniques, special attention is given to the artifact distributions both vertically and horizontally across the site.

With the aid of various statistical models the artifact a ttr ibutes were correlated. These correlations allowed the identification of artifact patterns, identification of flint knapping activity across the site, and made possible some meaningful statements about chert procurement and tool fabrication characterizing the Middle Woodland Period at Zemaitis, and more generally, in the area of western Michigan.
